
4 DIFFERENT CITIES 4 DIFFERENT ARTISTS Pi Artworks Gallery 1 brings together 4 artists working with 4 different materials from  4 different cities  in Turkey.  The exhibition  title is OUT OF CONTEXT and will run between  25 February and 20 March 2010. Nancy Atakan from Istanbul with  “Fake Reality” installation, Ilke Ilter  from Izmir with her new painting series,  Juan Botella Lucas  from Mersin with his sponge sculptures and Mehmet Ali Uysal from Ankara with his photo prints on canvas. ‘’OUT OF CONTEXT’’ exhibition based on  ignoring the overall meaning of an utterence,  disrupting, altering the general perception.

Living in Turkey since 1969,  Pi Artworks welcomed Nancy Atakan last year with a solo exhibition I believe / I do not believe. Nancy Atakan is the founder of the independent art space IMC 5533, she continues her works in IMC 5533 and participates the local and international group exhibitions.  Ilke Ilter was born in Ankara in 1981 and she is living and working as an Research Assistant in Dokuz Eylul University since 2003. We remember the artist with her first solo exhibition in 2007 in Pi Artworks.  Mehmet Ali Uysal has been working as a Research Assistant in Fine Arts and Music Department of Middle East Technical University since 2003.  Artists’ one of the most memorable sculpture work is a placed peg on a wall. Recently, he has joined exhibitions in France and Germany.  Juan Botella Lucas was born in Madrid in 1970 and living in Mersin, Turkey for twelve years. He has been working as a lecturer in Mersin University, Fine Arts Faculty. Artist opened two solo exhibitions in Pi Artworks; 70 Percent Water 99 Percent Sponge in 2009 and  Dances of  Mind in 2008

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