
Archive series "Autopsy", which is the continuation of İrfan Önürmen's newspaper series, is being exibited between the dates 26.04.2011 - 16.07.2011 at Pi Artworks Tophane.

"Autopsy" is the seventh of the archive series Irfan Önürmen creates with newspaper. At the installation which is designed as an autopsy room, the society is being symbolized on a human figure. The newspaper, which the figure is created of, is a memory; an area of codes belonging to the society and human being. From the society's frame of mind to its life style, from its line of sight on woman to its apprehension of democracy and even on how it designs the cities, clues can be seen.

The blocks of concept emerged by this autopsy, make re-recognizing the society, constructing the relations between the concepts and re-thinking on them inevitable for us.

In 1987, İrfan Önürmen graduated from Istanbul Fine Arts Academy (now called Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University) Department of Fine Arts, Painting Division. "9 Contemporary Turkish Painters", Brussels (2004, Belgium); "Made in Turkey", Frankfurt (2008, Germany); "Intersections", "New Baghdad Museum  and  Terror Factory"; Thessaloniki  Contemporary State Art Museum (2009, Greece); "6 positions in critical art from Istanbul", Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg (2009, Berlin); "Contemporary Art From Istanbul", Museo Comunale d'Arte Contemporanea, Polignano a Mare (2010, Italy) are some of the international events he got involved. İrfan Önürmen's works take part in many important international and local collections, including Istanbul Modern. He continues his works in Istanbul.

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