
Çınar Eslek is at Pi Artworks Tophane with her solo exhibiton, "Besides",  in between the dates November 10th - December 25th 2011. "Besides" form around a video, paintings and photographs. In this exhibition, Eslek departs from two dialectic concepts: breeding and decay.

"(...) In her paintings of this exhibiton, Eslek deals with the breeding concept. Breeding finds voice in eggs and baby figures in Eslek's paintings. (...)

As Eslek's egg and baby figures bring the time issue comprehended as life and dialectic into the mind; her photographs are an expression of dead, stable and non-dialectic spaces. In her photographs, in which the decay is visualized, Eslek avoids clues; neither she gives a clue about the space itself nor about the identity of the object creating that space. (...) What Eslek records with her photographs is a "formation". When Eslek represents the situation of  an egg-form crossing through a life-form in her paintings, she represents crossing from life-form into death form in her photographs. (...)

(...) Çınar Eslek has been using body, sex, identity concepts since her first exhibition up until now. This time she is approaching to those notions over a time-space problematic. (Burcu Pelvanoğlu, 2011, Çınar Eslek: Besides)

Çınar Eslek graduated from Mimar Sinan University, Department of Painting in 2006 and completed her masters degree at Marmara University. She attended an artist residency program in Paris in 2009 and exhibited the artworks she created during her residency for the first time at Proje 4L Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art in 2010, April. Eslek's selected exhibitions include: "I am unaware" (2008), "Parallel Lands" (2009), "Therefore" (2010) at Pi Artworks, Mardin Biennial (2010) and ongoing exhibition of Istanbul Modern; "Uncanny Encounters".

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