Private View: Thursday 14 March 2019, 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm

Pi Artworks London is proud to present  Living is a Problem, a group exhibition featuring artists Ian Breakwell, Ruth Ewan, Dave Hanger, Franziska Lantz, Kate Owens, Mark Titchner, Amikam Toren, Markus Vater and Laura Yuile. Living is a Problem opens Thursday 14th March and runs until Saturday 30th March 2019.

Working across a broad selection of disciplines including painting, performance, sculpture and installation, the showcased artists are currently living and working in the UK, throughout some of the most challenging and uncertain political times of a generation. 

Addressing themes of education, work, time, survival and mortality, the artworks presented reflect on the relentless struggle and joy of living – each artist adapting and shaping their practice to find new creative solutions and possibilities within a constantly shifting socio-economic landscape.  

The exhibition has been curated by Dave Hanger, an artist, collector, artists’ assistant and gallery technician who has been contributing significantly to the continued development and success of a number of artists and organisations within London for more than a decade. 

"As Rauschenberg famously implied, artists work in the gap between art and life, precariously balancing the problematic demands of both. Over the years I have followed the trajectory of the artist/curator of this exhibition as he cannily and critically educated himself as a skilled and sought after art handler and gallery technician immersed at multiple levels in the practical, ethical and aesthetic ambiguities of the field of cultural production - the market of symbolic goods- that we collectively call ‘the art world’; accruing the experience necessary to a curator and collector of contemporary art."  - Roger Cook, Art historian  and  writer  on contemporary  art, London

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