
The State of Sabotage (SoS) makes its first art state visit to Turkey and will install a temporary SoS embassy at the exhibition. Opening 04.05.06, 7pm, Exhibition 05.5.06- 28.05.06 The SoS embassy office and Consulate will issue SoS CITIZENSHIPS AND PASSPORTS for a 35 Euro Application Fee, no visas or Green card required. The SABOTAGE NATIONAL ANTHEMwill be performed live by NEOPLAST. Artworks from the ?State of the Art? Collection will be exhibited, including the original latex mold of the national sculpture, designed by H.R. GIGER. Historical films from the SOS archives will be shown, including highlights from the founding of the state, and other actions. Artworks from turkish artists curated by Michael Parenti under the theme ?INFORNATION? will be exhibited, and the artists will be inducted into the State of Sabotage Art Foundation. As a State gift the transnational dish "SOUP OF SABOTAGE" will be served to the guests. The first one hundred visitors to the exhibition will receive a limited edition catalog of the ?STAMPS OF SABOTAGE? commemorating the establishment of the Turkish embassy. Announcements will me made regarding the establishment and location of the ?SABOTAJ DEVLETI SANAT MERKEZI? (Sabotage State Art Center) as a permanent embassy in Beyoglu. Representives at SoS embassy: ROBERT JELINEK (SoS chancellor) MICHAEL PARENTI (SoS Ambassador in Turkey) ?INFORNATION? as STAATSKUNST (THE ART OF THE STATE) SOS diplomacy is conducted through artistic sovereignty and trans-nationality - art as state as a direct form of independent state art. The ?state? is static by definition (both concepts derive from Latin ?status?). In our contemporary understanding the state is a kind of steely skeleton or matrix - constructed so that it can provide structure, grounding, and duration to a constantly changing society. Political scientists and state theorists, however, maintain that the state reached the apex of its development in the seventies and has since been in decline. Yet even at a time when the state is being pushed out of more and more areas of life and continues to lose esteem, it remains the highest existing authority - precisely because the state is more static than other forces affecting our lives. On the other hand, the state is inferior to these highly dynamic forces and lags helplessly behind the newest developments in science and technology. The German concept of Staatskunst (art of state) alludes to the fact that in governments of previous centuries the balancing and equalization of manifold factors and powers was in fact understood as an art. The antiquated concept of Staatskunst also has another meaning: It reminds us that in former times the promotion of art and culture was seen as a state goal and rulers recognized that art and culture were essential components of their wealth and capital. The State of Sabotage feels bound to this understanding of Staatskunst and will, for the first time in Turkey with the INFORNATION event, present its capital by means of artistic positions. INFORNATION visualizes the attributes of trans-nationalities and the new conditions of state and artistic reality through artistic practices, models, visions, and utopias of the participating artists, who will have their work included in the ?State of the Art? Collection. INCLUDING PIECES FROM THE SOS ?STATE OF THE ART? COLLECTION: BEATRICE DREUX FRANZ GRAF H.R. GIGER ANABELLE HULAUT ROBERT JELINEK JONATHAN MEESE HEIMO ZOBERNIG CHRISTOPH STEINEGGER / SABINE FEICHTNER GISELA STIEGLER TURKISH ARTISTS: ARI ALPERT DERYA ALTINEL ASLI ÇAVUŞOĞLU BURAK DELIER EXTRAMUCADELE GAMZE FIDAN / KOP-ART M. YENİTÜRK IRFAN ONÜRMEN GULAY SEMERCİOĞLU SABOTAGE NATIONAL ANTHEM Interpreted by Neoplast On the opening evening, guests will be honoured with the performance of the Sabotage National Anthem by the turkish neo-industrial pop band, NEOPLAST. SOUP OF SABOTAGE Interpreted by Dilara Erbay On the opening evening, guests will be served the transnational dish SOUP OF SABOTAGE free of charge. The "Soup of Sabotage" is a creation of the French artist ANABELLE HULAUT. In the creation of the soup, the word "sabotage" is used as an acronym, formed out of culinary ingredients. The soup is made from the American; hence the respective national language is taken to choose the ingredients. The "Sabotage Soup" is a tradition in the SoS state and will always be offered at every SoS event worldwide. Dilara Erbay, formerly of Dilarasabra and current chef at Cevahir, will prepare the local edition of the Soup of Sabotage. SABOTAGE NATIONAL SCULPTURE By H.R. GIGER The word "sabotage" comes from the French word "sabot" and means "to trample with wooden shoes." A sabot is a clog with a leather top. At the beginning of agricultural mechanization French farm workers threw their "sabotes" into harvesting and processing machines (which were taking their jobs), thereby blocking the complicated mechanics of the mowing and threshing machines and rendering them useless. For the sake of their labor, they engaged in "sabotage". The State of Sabotage is manifested in a unique sculpture that serves as a monument to artistic vision, free cultural spaces and independence. Sabotage mastermind Robert Jelinek invited the Swiss visionary and artist H.R. Giger to design the sculpture. H.R. Giger's sculpture model consists of a pair of shoes cast in an iron/copper form and welded to a metal base. The sculpture is installed at the highest point of Harakka Island, Finland. Visitors to the island can step into the shoes and, by wearing them, comprehend the island as space and merge with the ground. The Original Latex mold of this unique sculpture will be on exhibition in Istanbul. The Empire STATE OF SABOTAGE On August 30, 2003 the Viennese label Sabotage Communications manifested its own state on the uninhabited island of Harakka off of Helsinki in Finland, and was renamed ?SoS - State of Sabotage.? First initiated as a project by artist Robert Jelinek in 1992, in operation as an international music/art label, collective and organization since 1994, Sabotage has drawn its own artistic conclusions and declared itself a state in 2003. SoS is a state in time, with constantly expanding citizenship, but without the demarcation of national borders. A state is the highest existent authority because it is more static than any of the other highly dynamic forces that influence our lives. The state is also subject to these same forces, yet it lags helplessly behind emerging cultural, scientific and technological developments. In logical, creative consequence of its artistic process, SoS has created a tool for human realization. Every state is an obsolescent model, which either waits for its expiry date to pass or somehow manages to adapt itself to contemporary conditions, therefore SoS is a process limited in time. The SoS state has consciously forsaken a constitution, legal system, presidents, ministers, etc. in order to avoid re-manifesting the definitions and imitations of well-known historical examples of diverse state forms and establishments. Instead, SoS draws its basic legitimacy directly from its citizens and their political, social, artistic and spiritual ideas, ideals, visions and needs, which they themselves shape and develop. SoS is not interested in the matrix or program of a state, but in its condition or status. SoS offers a free, dynamic design for the expansion and re-determination of cultural space and cohabitation - an experiential model for life. SoS has the quality of a cultural state. It knows neither officials nor functionaries ? it knows only self-determined artists and active associates. SoS promotes justice, the universal protection and preservation of human rights, as well as of individual rights. SoS promotes the community of its citizens through culture, solidarity and unity. SoS respects the rights, autonomy and self-determination of its citizens, as well as the right of minorities to group autonomy. SoS promotes the conservation, protection and creation of the freedom of art and culture. SoS promotes: a) Education, vision and utopia; b) The preservation and development of art and culture; c) Historical consciousness; d) Protection of the environment and conservation of nature as an inherent value, as well as all rights of nature; e) Internal locations and dislocations, displacements and dissolutions of the self- compositions that form a living society; f) The natural and social sciences. Unpredictability and subversion of expectations are the sources of intelligence, culture, technology and progress. Autonomy is the self-regulation of the social body, both in its independence and in its interactions with the disciplinary norm. Today?s agenda calls for the expansion and re-orientation of now stagnant social zones, and for cultural cohabitation within a holistic model of life. This requires combined forces, but their resulting synergies should not be yet again subdued but encouraged. The SoS art collection is, according to location, always publicly accessible. A worldwide touring exhibition and survey in art locations in various other countries is in planning. Artistic productions, conferences, events and workshops are also planned on the SoS grounds in Baldrockistan/Australia.
