Our artist Osman Dinc's work 'Élégie pour un poirier sauvage'' is now exhibited in ''For Eyes That Listen'' curated by Melih Fereli at Arter Istanbul.
The exhibition will run until 2 January 2022.
Élégie pour un poirier sauvage'' consists of the photographs of wild pear trees taken in the fields of Denizli by Osman Dinç between 1984 and 2014. Previously abundant in coppices in the fields, many wild pear trees were sacrificed to the process of the industrialisation of agriculture, and others left standing alone in vast areas. These isolated trees distant from each other were allowed to survive so that their bodies and shadows would serve asresting places for animals and farmers. Each image installed on a music stand like a composition to be played resembles a tree standing alone in the field. The music stands are associated with a tree that provides shelter, while the images of the trees from different times and places perform a symphony of silence.