Hate to disturb this precious silence
Four-channel video installation, 10‘ 31“, 13‘ 16“, 13‘ 21“ and 8‘ 14“ For Hate to disturb this precious silence, the art- ist collected a cast-off piece of timber from an urban construction site. In the subsequent video performance, she sits in her studio cradling and repeatedly sanding away the roughness of the wood. The sound of the sanding is like a mantra that aids her concentration as she carefully and slowly removes surface debris and uneven parts of the wood. It is as though she is healing the plank by undoing the damage it sustained. The work meditates on humanity’s profound connection to and dependence on nature and, at the same time, the precarity of living on a planet critically threatened by environmental destruction and climate change. This sense of uncertainty extends to the veloped in collaboration with Bahar Royahee, which integrates the sanding sounds into a musical score.
Photo by Anja Schneider