Hylonome - meaning ‘woodland pasture’ from the Greek words hylê and nomos. A female centaur in Greek mythology. She was present at the battle against the Lapiths, where her beloved husband Cyllarus was slain. Heartbroken, she then took her own life to join him by falling on his sword.

Nessus was a black Centaur. Fled during the fight with the Lapiths at the wedding of Pirithous.Later he attempted to rape Deianira and before dying gave her a charm which resulted in the death of Heracles, by whom he was later killed.

Thaumas attended Pirithous’ wedding, fought against the Lapiths and fled.

Thereus meaning ‘Hunter’ or ’Chaser’. Used to catch bears and carry them home alive and struggling. Attended Pirithous' wedding and fought in the battle against the Lapiths. Killed by Theseus.
Golden Family:Matt Golden
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This series of archived historical photographs depicting humans and horses whereby, in varying degrees, both appear to morph into a single being and are named in accordance with their visual or narrative similarities to a specific Centaur in Greek mythology.