Art Basel Hong Kong: Mehmet Ali Uysal | Jyll Bradley | Özer Toraman | Kemal Seyhan | Albano Hernández

28 - 30 March 2024 
Booth 1B34

Bringing together a cross-generational, multidisciplinary selection of artists from the Pi Artworks roster, our Art Basel 2024 booth combines sculpture and paintings. From the abstraction of Jyll Bradley's (b. 1966) flourescent wall based Grafts and Kemal Seyhan's rich Untitled paintings, to Özer Toraman's (b. 1989) intimate Joy of Summer portraits, we get a glimpse of the variety in our artist's approaches.  Traditional notions of 'painting' are also upturned by Albano Hernandez (b. 1988) and Mehmet Ali Uysal (b. 1976), which is a testament to the emphasis on pushing boundaries that our artists champion. 

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