Sarah Dwyer has a Master’s in Painting from the Royal College of Art, London. Sarah has exhibited internationally in USA, Europe and Japan, also curating several exhibitions in the UK. She has works in private and public collections in Europe, the USA, Korea and China.
Her practice includes painting, drawing, printmaking and experimental sculptures. Punchy exuberant re-imaginations of her familial surroundings and bodily forms are excavated with a somewhat mischievous and subversive approach.
Recent shows include; "Clatter.....THUD"(solo), Jane Lombard Gallery, New York, USA (2022); ‘Ode to Orlando’ at Pi Artworks London 2022, ‘Still Life/Life Still at OHSH Projects London 2022, ‘Pigeon Park at Manor Place Baths London 2021, ‘Drawn Together’ at Jane Lombard NY 2021, ’Reigen’ at Fabian Lang Zurich 2021, ’Human Scale’ Rochester Art Centre Minneapolis, USA 2021, ‘Penumbra’, FeMcwilliam Museum Belfast 2021, Black Chat, Sew Rib’ at Unit 1 Gallery Workshop, London 2020, ’Tink’ a Solo Exhibition at Jane Lombard Gallery NY 2019, Stains on a Decade, Josh Lilley Gallery London 2019, ‘Out There Out Where’, Boston Manor House, London 2018 , The John Moores Painting Prize, The Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool 2016, New Order: British Art Today, 2014 at The Saatchi Gallery, London.
最近的展览包括:“Clatter….. THUD”(个展),Jane Lombard画廊,纽约(2022); “Ode to Orlando” 于伦敦 Pi Artworks(2022); “Still Life/Life Still” 于伦敦 OHSH Projects(2022); “Pigeon Park” 于伦敦 Manor Place Baths(2021); “Drawn Together” 于纽约 Jane Lombard(2021); “Reigen” 于苏黎世Fabian Lang(2021); “Human Scale” 美国明尼阿波利斯罗切斯特艺术中心 2021; “Penumbra” 于贝尔法斯特 FeMcwilliam 博物馆(2021);“Black Chat, Sew Rib” 于 Unit 1 Gallery Workshop, 伦敦(2020); “Tink” 于 Jane Lombard Gallery,纽约(2019);“ Stains on a Decade” 于 Josh Lilley 画廊,伦敦(2019);“Out There Out Where”, Boston Manor House(2018); The John Moores 绘画奖项, The Walker 艺术画廊, Liverpool(2016);New Order: British Art Today,2014年于伦敦萨奇画廊。